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10 Tips to ace Your on Camera Presence & Speak like a Pro

Speaking to a camera can be daunting, but with the right tips and mindset, you can feel confident and natural on screen.

Many people, including myself, have faced the challenge of speaking to a camera and have learned valuable lessons along the way.

Here are some tips and insights to help you improve your on-camera presence and deliver engaging content.

Tip 1: Embrace Imperfection

Everyone makes mistakes. Don't be afraid of blunders or outtakes. It's all part of the learning process.

Embrace them, learn from them, and move on. Remember, even the most polished videos have their fair share of bloopers!

Tip 2: Get Comfortable & Go Through a Checklist

Pay attention to your body position and surroundings.

  • Position the camera slightly above eye level and close enough to feel like you're speaking to a friend. This helps create a more natural and engaging presence.

  • Do you need to leave space in the shot to add text? Keep this into consideration and know the “safe zones” of your target app.

  • Ensure your surroundings are tidy and well-lit to enhance your on-screen presence. Avoid busy backgrounds that might clutter your video and mind.

  • Test your audio! Avoid echo by bringing in furniture or a rug into the room so sound waves aren’t bouncing off smooth walls.

  • You can download our full checklist here

Tip 3: Preparation for Your Script is Key

If you're talking about a product or a specific topic, consider using dot points or a script to guide you. This can help you stay on track and avoid rambling.

Practice your lines a few times before recording to improve your delivery.

Tip 4: Take Breaks

If you're feeling overwhelmed or not in the right headspace, take a break.

Go for a walk, make yourself a cup of tea, or do something that relaxes you. It's okay to step away and come back refreshed.

This can help prevent burnout and ensure you deliver your message effectively.

Tip 5: Be Yourself (Seriously)

Don't feel pressured to look or sound a certain way. Embrace your natural character and mannerisms.

Authenticity is key to connecting with your audience. Remember, people are more drawn to genuine personalities than perfect performances.

Tip 6: Just Start

The hardest part is often just getting started.

Record yourself speaking to the camera, even if you don't plan to post it.

This can help you get comfortable and build confidence. The more you practice, the easier it will become.

I suggest speaking candidly about the product or topic first, away from any guidelines or script you may ultimately follow.

It helps you be more comfortable and “warm up” your ability to speak about something.

Tip 7: Try Voice Overs First!

If speaking on camera feels daunting, consider starting with a voice-over.

This allows you to focus on your voice without the pressure of being on camera. It's a great way to ease into speaking to an audience.

Tip 8: Embrace Your Accent

Your voice is unique and adds character to your message.

Embrace your accent and don't worry about how you sound.

People appreciate authenticity and diversity. Your accent can actually make you more relatable and memorable to your audience.

Tip 9: Give it Your All

When recording, give 150% of your energy and emotion.

The camera tends to tone down emotions, so what feels exaggerated to you will likely come across as engaging and authentic to your audience. Don't be afraid to show enthusiasm and passion for your topic.

Tip 10: Speak Loud & Clear

Lastly, speak louder than you think you need to.

Enunciate your words and take your time. It's better to speak slowly and clearly than to rush through your message. Practice good posture and breathe deeply to project your voice effectively.

Speaking to a camera can be a rewarding experience.

By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can improve your on-camera presence and feel more confident in front of the lens.

Remember, the most important thing is to be yourself and let your personality shine through. If you have any tips, share them below!