Check These Points Before Using A #Hashtag!

Determining if a hashtag is good to use involves several factors, especially if you're aiming to increase visibility and engagement on social media platforms.

Some things to consider include;


The hashtag should be relevant to your content, audience, and brand.

It should accurately reflect the topic or theme of your post. Using irrelevant hashtags can detract from your message and alienate your audience.

Search Volume

Look for hashtags that are commonly searched for but not overly saturated.

Extremely popular hashtags (like #love or #beauty) might have millions of posts, making it easy for your content to get lost.

You can also consider that very specific hashtags might not be searched often, leading to low visibility.

Target Audience

Consider the hashtags your target audience is likely to follow or search for.

Tailoring your hashtags to your audience’s interests and behaviours can increase engagement.

Platform Specificity

Different social media platforms have different hashtag cultures.

For instance, Instagram hashtags are often more broad, while Twitter hashtags have less commonly used and are more focused due to character limits.

Competitor Analysis

Check out the hashtags used by competitors or influencers in your niche.

This can give you insights into what works for similar content and audiences.

Trending Hashtags

Keep an eye on trending hashtags within your niche. Using these can increase the chances of your content being seen by a larger audience.

Branded Hashtags

Consider creating a unique branded hashtag.

It can be a great way to build and track a community around your brand or campaign. Brands also use this to track when working with creators.

Avoid Spammy Tactics

Steer clear of using too many hashtags or repeatedly using the same ones. This can be seen as spammy by both users and social media algorithms.

Engagement Analysis

After using hashtags, analyse your post's engagement. See which hashtags correlate with higher engagement rates and adjust your strategy accordingly.

You can also ask your audience what hashtags they follow or use.

Any thoughts about hashtags? Leave them below!


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