Only Fans For Business Professionals: Groopie Enters The Chat
“51 people signed up after my Techstars pitch ✨ which prob doesn't sound like a lot, but from a 1 min pitch and 2 min video.... That's pretty freaking cool in my eyes!” The hype is growing. Image: Via LinkedIn.
Ever just wish you could get specific, helpful insight from a professional in your niche without forking out hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars for that golden specific advice to help you in your time of business related peril?
Why is that advice so damn important? That golden nugget at the right time can save you tens of thousands of dollars (sometimes more) and years of business mistakes and missteps.
In every founders journey there’s a “I’m so glad I knew X and Y time”.
Enter: Groopie, founded by Doone Roisin of Female Startup Club.
The Mission Behind Groopie
Doone has a history of supporting women in their business ventures and providing extremely practical, helpful advice through The Female Startup Club- and not the information heavy, no take away sort of fluff-
Regularly providing grant information, weekly newsletters, angel investing, as well as providing a community space for like-minded women in business to share their knowledge.
The Female Startup Club community 120,000+ strong. Through the years, Roisin has grown a waitlist for her 1:1 mentorship so long that it had simply been impossible to give her time to everyone in a meaningful and bespoke way…until now.
A Glance at Groopie, Born From Need
Roisin shares in her weekly newsletter:
“If you're someone who is constantly getting tapped on the shoulder for 'pick-your-brain' coffees, mentorship and advice; and you're overwhelmed... I feel you.
Groopie is for you.” Roisin wrote.
Balancing the need for experts to leave exhaustion and endless brain-picking behind (that doesn’t help people long term anyway!) Groopie allows those willing to invest in their business an opportunity to get affordable, specific advice.
Offering those wanting to mentor, but who have an intense schedule and demand the ability to make impactful, accessible and less time consuming access to their mentorship.
Image Credit: @joingroopie
What Groopie Offers Subscribers:
Expert Access: Direct mentorship and insights from professionals like founders, investors, and executives that are in your specific niche.
Genuine Connections: Real-time, authentic interactions in hyper-niche micro-communities.
Relevant Niche: You’re not following a content creator or influencer business creator (not that there’s anything wrong with that! Seriously!)- You’re following someone still actively in the weeds and throws of the constantly changing business world.
Affordable and Accessible: Ditch the costly 1:1 coaching that’s often intense and formal (although there are 1:1 coaching opportunities Groopie offers, that isn’t time restricted and offers more free flowing conversation)
What Groopie Offers Experts
Automated Payments: Handle subscriptions seamlessly
Subscriber Management: Track members with zero admin effort.
Built-In Analytics: See what’s working and grow your audience.
Customizable Tiers: Offer different levels of access for subscribers.
Doone shared in her newsletter “We all know how fast the digital world is changing; AI is disrupting literally everything faster than we can imagine—but something I truly believe will never change is connection.
And connections. A powerful network still matters.” - And we’re 100% behind her.
Join Groopie’s wait list here.
Follow Groopie on Instagram here.
Listen to the latest podcast episode of Female Startup Club below: