How to: Find your Niche & Elevate Your Content

In the fast moving and diverse world of online content creation, the possibilities are virtually boundless.

Whether you're just starting your content creation journey or seeking to refine your skills, welcome!

Let’s chat about it.

To help you along the way, we're diving into the wisdom of Amanda Cummerford, a seasoned content creator with a decade of marketing experience and a strong foundation in consumer psychology.

Her insights have played a pivotal role in shaping my journey towards becoming a full-time content creator. The points below are fleshed out from her insight.

Defining Your Content Pillars

What do you want to be known for?

How would you like someone to describe your page to a potential paying brand if you weren't there?

Take a moment to reflect on this, and jot down a few words that encapsulate your vision.

These words become your content pillars, the foundation upon which your content creation journey is built.

For example, consider @amandascuteface. Her content pillars are "glowy makeup, sensitive skincare, and authentic and relatable education."

Every piece of content she creates, every post, video, or article, relates back to these core themes.

This clear and consistent message not only provides direction but also helps you stand out.

My own personal page, @minniemakeup_, has a strong theme of makeup (hence the name) but also around skincare, acne and Aussie SPFs, which can get pretty specific!

Questions to ask yourself:

  • If you had to pick 3 words right now to describe your content or your page, what would they be?

  • If you had to pick 1 niche to fit your page in, what would that niche be? Fashion, Beauty, Makeup or Skincare? Something else?

  • Note: You’re never locked into these! But it’s important to identify them.

Your content pillars are the cornerstones of your personal brand.

These are the themes or subjects that define your online presence.

Take a moment to reflect on what genuinely excites you and what you want to be known for.

Whether it's the artistry of glowy makeup, the care and understanding of sensitive skincare, or providing authentic and relatable educational content, these pillars will serve as the guiding principles for your online identity.

Passion: The Catalyst for Success

Passion is the secret sauce that sets successful creators apart.

When you are passionate about your chosen topics, it permeates every aspect of your work.

You find yourself immersed in constant learning, thinking, and naturally educating others.

This authentic enthusiasm becomes the cornerstone of your uniqueness as a creator.

Remember, passions can evolve, and it's perfectly fine to share this evolution with your community.

However, starting a page solely for the allure of "free products" without a genuine passion for the subject matter is a path that may hinder your growth.

Authenticity is the key; it resonates with your audience and attracts brands looking for creators with a real connection to their content.

What Brands Look for on Your Page

When brands consider collaborating with influencers, they assess several factors to ensure alignment and effectiveness:

  • Engagement- Brands seek creators with an actively engaged audience. Responding to comments and fostering a sense of community is essential.

  • Consistency- Regular, dependable posting demonstrates commitment and reliability.

  • Passion- Authentic passion for your niche sets the stage for compelling content.

  • Quality- High-quality visuals signal professionalism and attention to detail.

  • Value- Brands value creators who consistently provide value to their audience.

  • Uniqueness- Your ability to stand out in a crowded space is a significant factor for brands.

  • Community Support- Brands appreciate influencers with a supportive and engaged community.

  • Evolution- The ability to adapt and grow as a creator over time is a valuable trait.

  • Values- Alignment with the brand's values is crucial for a successful partnership.

  • Aesthetic Fit- Your content should seamlessly integrate into the brand's aesthetic.

Tips for Sustainable Growth

To navigate the ever-evolving landscape of content creation and influencer marketing, consider the following tips:

  • Reevaluate Your "Why"- Regularly assess your motivations for content creation and adjust your approach accordingly.

  • Embrace Authenticity- Stay true to yourself and your passions. Authenticity fosters a deeper connection with your audience.

  • Diversify Content- Keep your audience engaged by exploring various facets within your niche.

  • Engage with Your Community- Actively participate in conversations, respond to comments, and foster a sense of community among your followers.

  • Stay Informed- Keep abreast of industry trends and be willing to adapt your content strategy.

  • Video Content Is King- Find a style for video content you can stick to, and do it! Platforms have made it very clear, video content is here to stay. Focus on sharable content.

Action Steps:

  • Identify Where You Can Improve: Identify areas where you may need improvement, such as video editing, consistent design or text content.

    Intimidated by something? Think of the easiest way you can try it. Canva has plenty of templates, as does CapCut.

  • Online Courses And Mentorship: Be open to learning. It's like attending workshops or classes to learn new skills or improve existing ones.

    Personally, I simply never would have been able to transition into full-time Content Creation without investing in mentorship.

  • Community: Connect with experts and peers in your field. Share knowledge and tips. Sometimes this is hard to find, but I've found by making the first step to open the conversation, the majority of people are happy to speak about it!

In conclusion

Your personal brand and your content creation journey are linked. Authenticity and passion are the driving forces behind your success.

So, take a moment to reflect on what truly excites you, define your content pillars, and embark on this journey with enthusiasm.

Your unique voice and genuine passion will set you apart, attract your ideal audience, and open doors to exciting opportunities in the dynamic world of content creation.

Remember, it's your authenticity that will be the beacon guiding you through the ever-evolving landscape of online content.

Further reading:

How to: Define Your Brand Voice

How to: Approach and Discuss Paid Work with Brands

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