How to Approach Brands to Get on a PR List: A Step-by-Step Guide

For many influencers and content creators, being added to a brand's PR list is a significant milestone.

It not only means receiving exclusive products but also a recognition of your influence and potential partnership opportunities.

However, successfully getting on a brand's PR list requires a strategic and professional approach.

But First…

PR Lists aren’t what you think.

Many PR send outs change based on multiple factors.

Although there may be a list to record influencers the brand regularly considers and engages, it’s also just as likely they consider new influencers that fit the campaign or launch.

Eg: A brand that is releasing an acne related product may consider creators who are acne prone, instead of the usual creators they engage that may represent a variety of skin types.

All this to say, if a brand has sent you PR, it doesn’t automatically mean you’ve landed on a list that ensures regular PR engagements.

Don’t Be Desperate

Brands are flooded with DMs from aspiring influencers.

Although enthusiastic, DMs can be overly persistent to the point of unprofessionalism or inappropriateness.

Creators have messaged brands using the wrong brand name, they’ve said they’ve tried the products before when they hadn’t before or have asked for PR from brands that don’t offer physical product.

Avoid these blunders by researching and staying professional.

Read up on the difference between a brand and PR agency.

Initiate Organic Engagement

The first step towards getting on a brand's PR list is to genuinely engage with their products and content.

Purchase their products and use them in your daily life or content- or better yet- showcase the products from them you already have!

Show your authentic love for the brand through organic posts on your social media platforms.

Authentic Posts

Create high-quality, authentic posts that feature the brand's products.

Highlight the unique features and benefits that resonate with your audience.

Tag the Brand

Always tag the brand in your posts.

This not only helps them notice your content but also increases your chances of being discovered by their marketing team.

Use Brand Hashtags

Incorporate relevant brand hashtags into your posts.

This can boost your visibility among the brand's channels and increase the likelihood of your content being seen.
Eg: Pixi beauty uses a hashtag #pixibeauty to keep track of people who post their products.
Holme Beauty uses #backyourbeauty.

Marketers also suggest using hashtags that identify your skin type.

Follow and Engage

Follow the brand on all their social media platforms.
Consistently engage with their content by liking, commenting, and sharing. This shows your active support for the brand.

Find the Right Contact Email

Rather than pitching your request through direct messages (DMs) on social media, it's more professional to find the appropriate contact email for brand partnerships or PR inquiries.

You can often find this information on the brand's official website under the "Contact" or "Collaborate" section.

If not, you can try reaching out to their customer support for guidance on the correct email to use.
You can also DM the brand requesting their marketing email, but due to regular spamming of requests, it may be harder to get an email from that route.

Compose a Compelling But Brief Introduction Email

When you've identified the correct email, it's time to craft an engaging introduction email.
In this email, you should:

Introduce Yourself

Start by introducing yourself and mentioning your passion for the brand. Briefly explain why you know them.

Highlight Your Value

Clearly communicate how you can provide value to the brand.
Mention your engagement metrics, the quality of your content, and your target audience.

Express Your Interest

Politely express your interest in being added to their PR list/ being considered for PR and receiving their products for review.

Make it clear that you're genuinely interested in their brand and that your goal is to create authentic and positive content. Don’t do this dishonestly. Only reach out to brands you will engage with.

Be Patient and Follow Up

After sending your initial email, be patient and give the brand some time to respond.

If you don't receive a response within a reasonable timeframe (usually a couple of weeks), consider sending a polite follow-up email to express your continued interest.

Getting on a brand's PR list is a rewarding achievement for influencers and content creators.

By following these steps and demonstrating your genuine passion for the brand, you increase your chances of catching their attention and securing a spot on their PR roster.

Remember that building meaningful relationships with brands takes time, patience, and consistent authenticity in your content and interactions.

Further Reading

How to: Approach and Discuss Paid Work with Brands

How to Not Work for Free & Grow Brand Relationships.

Go from Gifted to Paid Partnerships with These Easy Steps.

How to: Find your Niche & Elevate Your Content


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